In 2003 the new Benares Schoolfund Foundation took over 21 students from Francis Baartmans´ Benares Fund. Thanks to an increasing amount of schoolsponsors, the number of sponsored children rose gradually.
As soon as the financial room extended, the foundation has decided not only to support individual children but also schools, that are founded for our target group of underprivileged children. These schools offer almost free education and depend for their running costs fully on financial support from outside.
BSF supports five schools:
Little Stars School >
Ashray School >
Jeevan School >
Asha Deep School >
Vatsalya School (Jaipur) >
Additionally BSF supports the NGO Muheem, that sets up informal educational projects in the villages around Varanasi.
And on 1 January 2024, we took over the dalit project Sarnath from Focus on Education Foundation, which has ended its activities.
With all projects we lay down our mutual obligations in bi-annual contracts, that are evaluated during the annual visit of some boardmembers to Varanasi.