board and policy
Alet Meurs, chairman
Conny van Staalen-van Leeuwen, secretary
Marien van Staalen, treasurer

Boardmembers (from left to right): Jantine Unger, Alet Meurs, Maurien Wetselaar, Conny van Staalen, Karin van Duijnhoven, Theo van Pinxteren, Nienke de Graaf, Jacques Baartmans and Marien van Staalen
Policy 2021-2026
Mission: promoting education and wellbeing of underprivileged children in India.
Vision: The Benares Schoolfund Foundation is of the opinion that education is thé way to realise social changes. The foundation emphasizes schooling of girls, from the idea that the necessary social changes can be realised faster by well educated women.
The foundation is small and intends to stay small. Sponsors appreciate the work and the expenses being clear. Yearly boardmembers, all volunteers, go to India at their own expense in order to evaluate the agreements and to see the situation with their own eyes. That makes sponsors trust that their money is well spent.
The foundation will continue the support of the present five schools (primary and secondary education). In order to reduce the dependence of the schools, the structural support (now with a maximum of 50% of the schools’ budget) will, if possible, slightly decreased.
Apart from schools the foundation also supports small NGO’s and informal educational projects.
The support is merely financial; the foundation doesn’t interfere with the schools’ management and education.
Still there is the possibility of sponsoring an individual student.
Our schools select the students, preferably of grade 9-12, the most expensive classes, and from the poorest families.
Eventual extra money might be spent in future on a new project or on new initiatives of our schools.
In India’s New Education Policy (2020) vocational training will be an obliged part of the school curriculum. BSF will help the schools to realise that.
After class 12, actually the final year of our support, we enable some ambitious students to take a vocational training.
The foundation’s focus is on quality improvement of the education.
This is being checked yearly, by means of the schools’ longterm vision.
BSF has a solid network of individual sponsors. This is being maintained carefully and, if needed, supplemented.
End of 2021 a big sponsor will complete her support of five years. BSF has a new sponsor till 2024.
The foundation needs to find replacing funds in time, preferably several smaller sponsors, in order to not be too depending on one big sponsor.
The foundation keeps a reserve of € 50,000.
BSF ANBI foundation
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