The Benares Schoolfund Foundation is of the opinion that education is thé way to realise social changes.
The foundation emphasizes schooling of girls, from the idea that the necessary social changes can be realised faster by well educated women.
The schools, all, except the Vatsalya School, situated in Varanasi, provide the poorest of the poor with high quality education, modern facilities and well trained teachers.
Benares Schoolfund Foundation supports the schools by paying salaries, equipment, schoolmaterials and computers.
Sponsors enable us to do so.
What are the options of sponsoring?
As a school sponsor
At Euro 23 a month (or Euro 275 a year) you provide a child with lessons, schoolbooks, school uniform. If so desired, you annually receive a picture and the school report of the child you sponsor.
But you can also sponsor other parts of our work.
Make your own choice >
As a (regular) donor
Any other fixed annual sum or once-only donation is also used for the benefit of the education and the students. Thanks to single and once-only donations many additional projects have been realized in the past years.
Read more about sponsoring the Benares Schoolfund Foundation >